News and Notices

How to Request A Device

If you wish to request a device please send us the following information, in the contact form, email, or through facebook.

Without this information we’ll won’t be able to process your application for a device. Please send us this information with your request for a device, include this information in the Contact Form message please. If you can send us proof of benefits (benefit letter), that will also help speed things up.

We need the following information:

  1. Name and Address
  2. What Benefits you are on
  3. How did you hear about us?

Why do we need this information?

We need to know who and where to send the device to, and proof that you are a ‘low-income family’ or ‘vulnerable’ person in need, such as an elderly person, disabled person or person who is out of work and job-searching.

We also need to know who referred you, or where you heard about us, because that helps us identify where we are advertising, and if we need to focus on other sites and places we may not yet have tried. It also gives us the chance to thank someone such as a previous client, if they have referred you directly. Please help us, to help you in future.